Show Me What To Do!

A picture of lots of different British coins
Theo the Pink Pondering Platypus Puppet with coins balancing on his beak.

You will Need:

Coins to fit the hand size of those doing this activity.

(Or beak size if someone is a platypus!)

Did you know?:

Some people flip a coin to make a choice!

If you have a choice of two things, you choose by which way up the coin lands.

It was an idea invented by the Romans.

Have a go at flipping a coin yourself!

A hand ready to flip a £2 coin.

We have to make lots of choices everyday.

  • Sometimes it’s a simple choice like ‘apple or banana’.
  • Sometimes it’s harder than that.
  • Sometimes we need help to make good choices.

How do you make choices?

Theo the Pink Pondering Platypus with an Accessible Bible

What the Bible Says:

Your word is like a lamp that shows me the way.

It is like a light that guides me.

From Psalm 119 verse 105

Good to Know:

’Word’ means a few things in this verse, but think of it as “what God says in the Bible”.


Do you ever talk to God about the choices you need to make?

Do you talk to Him about the problems you face?

What choices do you need to make this week?


  • Flip the coin as you pray.
  • Ask God to help you make good choices.
  • Talk to Him about any choices you need to make.
  • Talk to Him about the things you are worried about and don’t know what to do.

Stick man flipping a coin. He's standing next to a sign point with two directions labeled as right and wrong.

©2023. Kay Morgan-Gurr. Pondering Platypus Resources. Please credit when using this activity in a church/organisational setting.

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